Repetitive Strain Injuries

Repetitive strain injuries








Repetitive strain injuries are the most common injury that I see at the clinic.  This happens when a muscle or tendon experiences several small injuries that add up to being a larger more significant injury, which is often painful.  This happens because the muscle or tendon is being repetitively over-used.  Some common examples would be “tennis elbow” from repetitive typing, low back strains from repetitive lifting and IT band syndrome from repetitive running.

Many people experience these injuries, rest, and seem to feel better…. until they become active again.  Then the symptoms return.  Since there isn’t a specific trauma, they do not think of themselves injuring their body so they continue on.  Often this happens because there is an underlying muscle or group of muscles that are tight and/or have a loss of strength.  Over time these flare-ups happen more often and last longer. Everyone experiences aches and pain at times, but if these recurring symptoms sound familiar it may be worth seeing your local therapist or family doctor to identify why these symptoms are continuing.  They can help you to address the cause of your repetitive strain injury and help you with your recovery.  You might be surprised at the difference you feel afterwards.

Written by: Trevor Adamus (Physiotherapist)